Monday, December 3, 2007

Winter Wonderland

We love the SNOW!

Here are a few photos of our kids enjoying this winter wonderland!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanksgiving Humor

Since this time of year everyone seems to keep there attention toward Christmas and Thanksgiving is forgotten.

So we thought we would send you this little joke for Thankgiving!

(Porter loves legos)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Charleston

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!
A friend showed Kathy this blog and thought it would be funny to have Porter and Brit dancing!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


The summer is official is over Our family has been pretty busy with so many things this month, with most of the kids in school,

piano lessons,

Morgan is playing softball
and just making some adjustments to our house. Its been a little hetic.

Last night we headed to our parents home to help them move. While Lee cleaned all the bathrooms and mopped the kitchen floor, Jeff moved boxes and stuff for DI into the suburban.
Bert came over to load up unwanted piles of wood into his truck, all the grandkids carried logs into the truck. They were such big helpers.

Brittany had a bright idea and taped a cardboard box together so all the kids could take turns riding down the grassy hill in front of grandmas house for the last time. They had a lot of fun!

Monday, August 6, 2007


Here are some cute pictures that were taken at grandmas house.The kids were rolling down the hill and saying "As you wish......." from the Princess bride.
Lucas wanted to be like the older kids and do what they were doing. They are so cute! Halee and Justin kept sqeezing poor Lucas, but it sure was cute!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Morgan's Birthday

Wow Morgan turned 14 on July 16th this year. She got a new cell phone that she is excited to use. A couple of her friends came over and decorated her bedroom for her birthday as a surprise

Today she had some of her favorite foods. We ate corn on the cob and pork chops. Yummy! She ate on our traditional golden plate reserved for the birthday kid in our family.

Lots of family members came to the party! We all had a good time!


Well are family went camping last weekend. The kids had so much fun. We slept in a trailer that was borrowed from a neighbor and it was so much fun!

Some of us got a little cold being in there but we all fit.

Saturday after breakfast we went for a hike. Justin, Lee and Kathy decided to not hike to the top with the rest of the family. It was a little to hard for Justin. He did play in the water with his mother and he got all wet.
Here are some photos of the trip

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July at Kathy's Pool

Well, the Richmond clan spent the night south in Provo at the most popular parade in Utah. We missed this event the last two years. Darn. It's not that I dis-like the 3 1/2 hour drive round trip. By the way, I spent more time driving to Provo then I spent sleeping last night on the parade route. It's not that I don't like traditions... I mean.. I am just traditions always have to be every year?

Sorry, I will get off of my soap box and get back to the narrative....

We arrived down at whY Be yoU (BYU in a different order) and there was no room to set up for the parade. Apparently the city ordnance had been changed from the previous year when you were able to stake out a piece of land at dusk the night before the 4Th, too staking it out minuites after the previous years parade. So though it was a ghost town there was a bunch of stakes with caution tape; exclaiming that this spot is reserved, do not trespass. Long story short we found a place to sleep but didn't sleep and strategisted all night to determine how we would beat everyone to a spot on the road when the roads closes to the parade route.

We went to a park for lunch and I took a two second nap until I heard in my semi-conscience-mind that Morgan wanted to take a sharpie and write on my face. So as you can imagine I woke up and didn't fall back asleep.

Now we are at Kathy's and things are looking up. But I should be able to find something cynical to mention so see you in a bit.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Family Photos

Justin and Hallee with cousins

Lee and Morgan

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Pied Piper

Earlier this year Brittany and Morgan were in a play called The Pied Piper. They had so much fun doing it! Brittany was also a rat in the play. It was so cute!